Beauty Tips and Secrets, submitted by readers like you! page 17

Beauty Tips and Secrets, submitted by readers like you! page 17 – Tips for Facial, Aloe Vera, Blemishes, Beauty remedies, Smooth Skin
by ShortnSweet810
For dry skin, a great way to astringent is to first cleanse skin and use a light moisturizer, let dry and then take 1/2 lemon 1/2 lime and squeeze into a bowl, gently rinse face with mixture, and massage with fingertips then gently rinse with warm water, this leaves skin feeling clean and nice smelling, it also helps with blackheads.
Aloe Vera Beautifier
by Yvoone
Thanks for your website. A lot of good tips. I have one tip that I have been using for long time. Here it is: I use aloe vera as hair gel, brow gel, body/face lotion, and use Vaseline as lip make up remover. It works!
Dry up Blemishes
by Grly13
To dry up blemishes (pimples) dab a bit of toothpaste before going to sleep, the next morning see how dry that blemish is and scrub off. IT’S GREAT!!
Ultimate Beauty Remedies
by Nely M. – Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
To reduce redness, irritation and even aide with the occasional “pink eye”, boil 1 chamomile bag, in 1 cup of water. (If you can find a natural chamomile bunch, it would be even better) Place in refrigerator for cooling overnight. I recommend using 2-4 drops per eye at least 4 times a day, if irritation is fairly bad. The tea bag itself may be used (still warm, but not HOT) over the eye area to reduce swelling and under eye circles.
For firmer smoother skin, treating acne and lightening of dark spots…Cut one leaf of Aloe Vera plant and blend. Spread over face or affected area as you would a mask. Avoid under eye and eyelid areas. Leave on for 20 mins and wash off with warm water. Remaining mixture may be stored in refrigerator for maximum of 3 days. Treatment may be repeated every 3rd day.
For acne prone skin, mask may be worn overnight for up to three days in a row, suspend for 3 days and repeat until desired skin condition is reached.
For those of you with super sensitive skin, the overnight treatment is NOT recommended…FIRST try the 20 min. Test on only a small part of your skin to make sure irritation will not occur. It’ll be a little stinky, but it’s definitely worth the sacrifice. I use this treatment often and I have very sensitive skin.
Smooth Skin
by Dkkp
Take an extra washcloth into the shower or bath with you. Before getting out, wet cloth thoroughly and squeeze out excess water. Next take baby oil and saturate the cloth, squeezing out excess. I use this instead of a towel to dry off. Takes off water and leaves skin moisturized!
Source: – Ingredients for a Simple Life.
I like the way you are writing. Your Article covers many areas of beauty lover.
keep updating same way and all best for next article..
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