Daily Skin Care: Back to Basics

Thousands of people from all over the world suffer from acne, the skin disorder that affecting 70 to 95% teenagers during puberty period. Sadly to say this skin disorder not only affecting teenagers but also adults between the age of 20 to 50. Imagine if you suffer this skin disorder endlessly until your adult life. It cost you a lot from swollen and sore facial skin, feeling unhappy, gross, depress, less confidence and spending lots of money for skin care product and treatment.
Acne is a skin problem that affects most people during puberty when the hormonal changes occur. A male hormone called Testosterone in both men and women, and insulin-like growth factor are the two hormones most closely linked to acne. Testosterone stimulates the sebaceous glands of the skin to enlarge and produce oil called sebum. Too much sebum and dead skin cells often form a plug, block the pores and provide a breeding place for bacteria causing redness, swelling and bulges out from the skin.
Other factor that cause acne indirectly includes: dust, air pollution, stress, blood impurities, healthy diets, sleep deprivation, organ malfunction, lack of exercise and of course daily skin care habit.
The place where you live might also responsible factor that affecting your skin. When you live in a sub-tropic area or in a four season country, your skin might look better than those who live in a dessert or tropical region.
People who live in a dusty and highly polluted air region tend to suffer with more acne as if you don’t clean your face often, a heap of dirty air particles flying around the air and settling on the skin.
Moreover, dust and air pollution also bring the bacteria. Whenever the pores are clogged with sebum (excess oil) and dead skin cells, bacteria seize the chance and start harvesting in the sebaceous follicle. Before long, the follicle turns into a blackhead or whitehead (in mild cases), or even into pustules or papules (in severe forms of acne).
If you know the trick, having a great skin does not require a lot of time and money. Start with the basic daily skin care routine such as washing your face, hair and body everyday. Choose the right product that matches your skin type.
Most acne-prone skin type is categorized under an oily or mixed skin type. For this type of skin choose a mild liquid soap or for women a cleansing milk with no alcohol and fragrance content. The alcohol and fragrance might irritate your skin and makes your acne worse.
Try using a natural aromatherapy skin care products such as Eucalyptus shampoo, Eucalyptus shower or body gel and/or Eucalyptus body milk if your skin became so dry especially during winter time.
Apply a collagen mask at least twice a week or if you are experiencing severe acne do it three times a week. Make sure that you wash your face first prior applying the mask and set aside the collagen. Don’t waste the collagen as you can apply them to your breast (for women) to keep it firm and soft and other part of the body that tends to dry easily such as your elbow or your heel. The pimples will be dried off and left no scar on the skin, and you will also having a firm and healthy glowing skin.
You can also use a mild soft scrub lotion to clean all the dead skin that might accumulated on the surface of your skin at least once a week. This step is not recommended if you are having severe acne such as pustules or papules as the scrubbing might irritate your skin more and causing more breakouts. Do the scrubbing only when your skin is neither red nor swollen to get rid off your dead skin cells and the deep scar left by the acne.
There is a natural product out there (ESTEBEL) that works wonder and can help you clean your pimple/acne away from your face and body. Other than skin care products you can also do the detoxification program as recommended from one of the famous e-book: Chris Gibson acne free in 3 days. Though the title seemed to good to be true for those of us who suffers from severe acne and scars, however all the steps mentioned in these e-book make sense and easily to follow, at least within 3 days of practicing the steps you will see the difference on your skin.
Step by Step Guide to Clean/ Scrub Your Face:
Clean your face at least twice a day in the morning or night time. Do more if necessary.
- Use a liquid Face wash or gel.
- Pump the gel/face wash onto your palm, add a little water and mix it together.
- Apply onto your dirty face, never scrub your face to hard.
- Simply move your index finger or hand on top of the skin with a “flying” motion (if you do it right, you can feel that your skin is not moving. You actually barely touch the skin surface to take off excess oil and dead skin cell). If you push your hand too hard the skin will be irritated more and causing more acne.
- Use a circular spiral movement upward from the middle of your chin to the lower part of the ear. Circular spiral movement upward from the tip of your lips to the middle part of the ear. Circular spiral movement upward from the tip of your nose to the temple. Circular spiral movement from middle of your forehead to the temple. Concentrate more on the area with acne (making sure you only cleaning it with a “Flying” finger motion).
Cleansing Step by Step
- An inward circular movement around your eyes.
- An up and down movement on your nose.
- When done simply clean your face with a running water.
- Pat it dry and let it dry naturally (avoid using towel, or if you need to use a fresh clean towel).
- Follow with a skin toner to get back your skin acidity.
Note: The step will also make your skin wrinkle-free.
- Use a liquid Face wash or gel or cleansing milk.
- If you use a liquid Face wash, follow the step as in Men, if you use cleansing milk than follow the following steps.
- Pump enough cleansing milk onto your palm, make sure your hand is not wet and you have not wet your face with water. Remember oil and water does not mix together.
- Apply onto your dirty face, never scrub your face to hard.
- Simply move your index finger or hand on top of the skin with a “flying” motion (if you do it right, you can feel that your skin is not moving. You actually barely touch the skin surface to take off excess oil and dead skin cell). If you push your hand too hard the skin will be irritated more and causing more acne.
- Use a circular spiral movement upward from the middle of your chin to the lower part of the ear. Circular spiral movement upward from the tip of your lips to the middle part of the ear. Circular spiral movement upward from the tip of your nose to the temple. Circular spiral movement from middle of your forehead to the temple.
- An inward circular movement around your eyes
- An up and down movement on your nose
Cleansing Step by Step
Take away the cleansing milk using a facial tissue downwardly without making any pressure on the skin surface.
- Repeat the steps again until your facial tissue show no trace of make-up or dirt left on your skin.
- Wash your face with a running water
- Pat it dry and let it dry naturally (avoid using towel, or if you need to use a fresh clean towel)
- Follow with a skin toner to get back your skin acidity
Note: The step will also make your skin wrinkle-free
Use a Facial scrub at least twice a week (not recommended for a red and swollen skin or skin with pustules or papules. Wait until all the severe acne gone and you can start using the facial scrub
Step by Step Guide How to Use The Collagen Mask for Acne-Prone Skin:
- Clean your face accordingly (Follow the step by step guide to clean/scrub your face)
- Open the collagen mask
- Set aside the thick collagen from the mask, you can apply them onto the most dry skin part in your body such as heels, elbow or for women you can apply it to your buttock or breast for a smoother supple skin
- Put the mask onto your face and let it sit for 15-20 minutes
- Cover your eyes with sliced cucumber
- After 15-20 minutes, take off the mask
- Clean your face with a running water
- Pat it dry and let it dry naturally (avoid using towel, or if you need to use a fresh clean towel)
- Follow with a skin toner to get back your skin acidity
Note: Use the collagen mask twice a week and your acne will dry off faster and be gone without leaving any scar.
Next, Imagine being able to be happy and get back your smooth, acne free and vibrant looking skin again…Discover the secret to acne free skin.
The Author:
Irwan Librata
Does this work for back acne also?
Yes, this basic daily skin care routine can certainly be effective in reducing back acne as well. The key steps of cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing are essential for maintaining healthy skin, regardless of the area. Additionally, incorporating spot treatments or acne-fighting ingredients, such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, specifically targeted towards back acne can provide further improvement. Remember to keep the affected area clean, avoid tight-fitting clothing, and wash any sweat-soaked clothing or towels promptly to prevent bacterial growth and clogged pores on the back.