While you can’t minimize your pore size without surgery, an easy and inexpensive beauty remedy like this homemade tomato and lemon mask can help reduce the appearance of your skin’s pores as well as minimize the excessive sebum production of your skin.
Salt baths drains the aches off from your muscles, while the soothing scents bring sense of calm and well-being. Here are 4 very easy and beloved bath salt recipes.
It is not a secret that handmade cosmetics have a short shelf life due to the fact that it contains natural ingredients and the minimal amount of preservatives. Find out how it is necessary to store handmade creams and it will help you to prolong shelf life of your cosmetics!
Body and hand lotions commercially produced contain ingredients which are good for preserving the lotion for a long shelf life but maybe aren’t so good for your skin. Make your own lotions so you know exactly what it contains.
Making your own homemade beauty products is much easier than you’d think. The recipes that you find on this site are easy to follow along and use mostly common household products.
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