Green Honey Glow Mask

Green Honey Glow Mask

Discover the benefits of using a face mask for glowing and healthy skin. Find out how face masks can help improve your complexion.

Green Honey Glow Mask

Benefits: Beautiful glowing skin that feels youthful and tight. Makes 2 treatments

-Makes 2 treatments


* 4 cups fresh spinach
* 1 cup fresh mint
* 3 Tbsp. honey
* 1 piece (1-inch) ginger
* 1 ripe banana
* 2 egg whites

Rinse spinach thoroughly in colander. Cut and peel ginger, set aside. In food processor or blender combine spinach, mint and ginger. Blend on low setting. Add honey and banana and blend until liquid consistency. Add egg whites, blend until all ingredients are mixed thoroughly. Transfer to porcelain bowl or glass dish. On clean skin apply a small amount of Green Honey Glow to entire face and neck. Apply using a fan brush or finger tips. Allow to remain on skin for 15-20 minutes. Rinse and apply appropriate moisturizer. Store covered in refrigerator for up to one week.

The Author:

Courtesy of the National Honey Board.

Photo. Alesia Kozik

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