Old Country Home

When we were just toddlers in the 1950’s, my brother and I rode with our parents in their old Nash from Corpus Christi to San Antonio to visit our grandparents in San Antonio, Texas. These are special times that we shall never see again and it is good to get them into print so we don’t lose our very special American heritage. When we look back at fond memories of the past, we stop and smell the flowers.

Starting or Improving a Bed and Breakfast

Starting Or Improving a Bed and Breakfast, Country Inn Or Rural Hotel? Make More Money This Way Plan to start a green business, home business, or is your current small business a bed and breakfast, country inn, or rural hotel? You can cash in on the burgeoning eco-travel and huge local food movement by adding […]

Freezing Buttermilk

If you find yourself in the situation where you have excess buttermilk because a recipe called for only a few tablespoons or even a cup full and now you have plenty of leftovers and don’t want to throw it out, a solution is to freeze it. Yes, you can freeze buttermilk! You can freeze it several different ways.