Primary Technique for Cooking Eggs

Eggs are universally acclaimed as one of most useful cooking ingredients. They are easy to get hold of wherever you live and are widely used throughout the world. Even the worst cook can learn to prepare eggs using a few easy techniques. Possessing the electuary skills to make egg recipes like scrambled eggs, boiled eggs and poached eggs gives you an opportunity to modify them into thousands of uncomplicated, quick wholesome dishes.
So let’s get weaving, here are a few elementary methods:
1. How to Boil an Egg:
Boiled Eggs are nutritious and can make a fast and simple meal. For many people, a soft boiled egg with toast soldiers is the supreme comfort food.
To soft boil and egg to dip toast in, first remove your eggs from the fridge and allow them to sit for a few minutes to take them up to room temperature. Heat some water in a small pan and, when it is simmering, use a spoon to drop the eggs into the pan carefully. Simmer for just one minute then take them off the heat, set a lid on the pan and stand for 6-7 minutes. Experiment with the timing, it will depend on how you like your eggs.
For hard boiled eggs, simmer the eggs in the pan, on the heat, for roughly 7 minutes and then promptly remove from the pan and put into cold water for a couple of minutes. Leave eggs to cool in a bowl of ice cold water.
Hard boiled eggs are good for picnics or for mixing with mayonnaise to make egg sandwiches.
2. How to Make an Omelet:
An omelet is really simple to make and is wonderful served with a salad or fries.
Beat two eggs in a bowl and add a little. Add a dash of milk or water. In an omelet pan (small frying pan), melt a knob of margarine or butter and coat the pan. Pour the eggs into the pan and swirl around so that they cover the pan evenly. Use a spatula to keep bringing in cooked bits from the side to let less cooked eggs run into gaps and cook evenly. Once you have a soft but firm circle of omelets you may also add grated cheese or chopped and cooked mushrooms to the center and fold the omelets over the filling to make a crescent shape.
3. How to Cook Scrambled Eggs:
Scrambled eggs on toast is delicious and is a good standby when you’re in a rush or are too tired to cook much. If you have got a microwave, and then these are really easy – simply beat 2-3 eggs together, season, add a tiny dash of milk and cook on high. Stir with a fork every ten seconds and stop cooking when they are at the perfect consistency for you.
You can also scrambled eggs in a pan – Heat a knob of butter in a frying pan, beat the eggs in a bowl or jug, season and add a dash of milk. Once the butter is melted, pour the eggs into the pan and stir constantly with a wooden spoon. Cook until the egg mixture only has a bit of liquid left. Stir in a little butter and add cream if you want – delicious.
For a special breakfast, chop up smoked salmon and mix into the scrambled egg.
4. How to Make Poached Eggs:
To poach eggs the easy way, you can purchase a special poaching pan which has round compartments into which you break your eggs and then they cook over the pan which is filled with boiling water.
To poach eggs without a poacher, pour boiling water into a frying pan until it is about 2 ½ cm deep, set the pan on the cooker and, when the water is bubbling lightly (little bubbles under the surface), break an egg into the water. Simmer for 1 minute and then withdraw from the heat. Leave for 10 minutes and then remove with a slotted spoon and drain. Serve on toast or with bacon, sausage and baked beans.
These are the four basic, quickest and most nourishing ways to cook eggs but you can also fry an egg in oil. Simply heat oil in a frying pan, break an egg gently into the pan (gently, so you don’t break the yolk) and fry until done. Even though you may favor frying eggs, remember that poaching is far better than frying because it only uses water.
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