You can use vermicomposting in any garden project or for any plant in your house to enrich the soil and ensure healthy plant growth. The following is a “HOW TO” guide to creating your own vermicomposting farm.
If you think food scraps in your kitchen such as coffee grounds, tea bags, stale bread, grains are useless, you’re wrong. You can make organic compost from those scraps easily.
Composting is easy. You don’t need any special knowledge or equipment, and it takes only a little extra effort to collect your wastes and establish an active compost pile. Once you’ve got it going, it just about takes care of itself.
Many people think that the only way to make compost is to use a commercial bin, but nothing could be further from the truth. People in the past have built their own compost bin with much success. So if you want to give it a try, here are five easy cost-effective ways to build them.
What’s the truth about companion planting? Myth, rumour and ‘old wives’ tales’ abound. But a clue can be found in India and adjacent lands where Ayurvedic gardening goes back many thousands of years – and it’s based on companion planting.
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