Types of Nut Butter

Nut Butter is made from crushed nuts and used as a spread. They are rich in important fatty acids, fiber and protein. Some of the nuts used in butter are very good suppliers of calcium. This Nut butter can be easily put on toast, crackers, vegetables and fruits.
Different types of nut butter are:
Peanut Butter
This is the most well-known nut butter. It is prepared from dry and roasted peanuts. Peanut butter (Full fat) has 95 calories/tbsp with 6 gm of fat/tbsp, while the low fat varieties contain less. There is less amount of calcium, but on the other hand it includes high level of protein serving 4 gm/tbsp.
Almond Butter
Southeast Asia and Middle-east are the almond trees native land from where almonds are transported. Almond butter is regarded as one among the few types of nut butter with a decent quantity of calcium that amounts to 43 mg/tbsp.
However, it is high in fat and calories and that is 9.5 gm/tbsp of fat with 101 calories/tbsp. The protein is 2.4 gm/tbsp, which measures only half the amount, when compared with other nut butters.
Cashew Butter
Cashew is a native flowering plant of Brazil. The cashew butter is considered to have the lowest level of fats and calories that is 8 gm/tbsp fat and 93 calories/tbsp. It is very low in protein and calcium that includes 2.8 gm/tbsp of protein and 7 mg/tbsp of calcium.
Hazelnut Butter
Hazelnut comes from Hazel trees found in many places of the northern hemisphere. Hazel butter has the lowest level of proteins in comparison to different types of nut butter and it amounts to merely 2 gm/tbsp of protein. On the other hand it is one of the highest suppliers of fats that are 9.5 gm/tbsp with only 94 calories. However, calcium is not present in hazelnuts.
These are some of the various types of nut butter that are used currently. A distinctive serving equals to two tablespoon and the nutritional value differs for each.
Calorie contents: Nut butter calculates to 200 calories/serving. They are also excellent suppliers of selenium, thiamin, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, iron, protein, fiber and mono-unsaturated fats.
Mono-unsaturated fats: There is high level of mono-saturated fats in nut butter, which helps to decrease the dangers of heart problems. Our regular intake of fats should not exceed 20% to 30% daily and nuts butter contains twice the amount of fats, so they must be consumed moderately.
Protein: Nut butter contains approx. 6 gm/serving of incomplete protein meaning it lacks some amino acids. This can be completed by taking it with another food supplement or whole grain, which provides the absent amino acid. Thus, the outcome is a complete high-quality protein. For instance you can have the nut butter applied on bread to make it complete.
Vitamin E: Nut butter contains vitamin E that is a potent antioxidant, which acts as an immunizing booster for your cells.
Selenium: Just like vitamin E, it acts as an antioxidant and drives away the toxic elements like free radicals, mercury and arsenic from the body. It helps to keep skin, nails and hair healthy.
The Author:
Mr. Pratap Shanbhag, Technical Director – Standards International Precision Engineers Pvt Ltd are the pioneers in the manufacture of various food processing equipment. Over the past 10 years, we have grown as the market leaders, with successful installations of more than 100 food processing plants all across the world. More information visitour website http://sipepl.com
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