Relax by using one of the natural home-made bath recipes. They’re all easy to make from simple ingredients.
Category: Natural Beauty
Unlock The Secret of Timeless Beauty
If your feet are at the mild stage of dryness there are many natural ways to relieve the unpleasantness of dry feet.
With these easy nine steps you too will have silky feet. So go ahead get ready to do your own pedicure.
Discover the impact of scents on our mood and memories. Find out how certain aromas can transport us to specific moments in time.
Carrot nutrients help guard against split ends, moisturize dry scalp, enhance shiny hair and strengthen hair from the roots.
Unlock the secrets of a refreshing home facial. Learn how to do a steam facial or use homemade face masks to give your skin a healthy glow.
Having hair loss, bald spots or thinning issues? Burdock root oil provides a natural way to address this problems and help to start alleviating them within 8 – 12 weeks.
Benefits of deep cleaning your skin with a clay face mask. Different skin types and face mask types for best results.
It is not a secret that handmade cosmetics have a short shelf life due to the fact that it contains natural ingredients and the minimal amount of preservatives. Find out how it is necessary to store handmade creams and it will help you to prolong shelf life of your cosmetics!
Banana is a very famous natural ingredient that can help you to get rid of problems of dry skin and damaged and dry hair.
If you are planning to go for swimming regularly whether in a chemically treated pool, a salt-filled ocean, or a pond or lake, then these steps you need to insure to protect your hair so that it remains health and hydrated.
No we’re not talking about which fruits and vegetables you should eat, we’re talking about which ones you should put on your skin. The natural fibers in the fruits act as a scrubber, the oils moisten skin and the antioxidants work their magic from the outside.
Body and hand lotions commercially produced contain ingredients which are good for preserving the lotion for a long shelf life but maybe aren’t so good for your skin. Make your own lotions so you know exactly what it contains.
Making your own homemade beauty products is much easier than you’d think. The recipes that you find on this site are easy to follow along and use mostly common household products.
Bath teas are a delightful addition to any bathing routine. By combining scented herbs and infusing them in hot water, you can create a fragrant bath experience that promotes relaxation and rejuvenation.