Grapefruit Essential Oil – Uses and Benefits

The grapefruit is believed to be a hybrid of the sour fruit known as a shaddock and a sweet orange which was first cultivated in the West Indies. Today however this beloved fruit is grown primarily in the United States which is the world’s largest producer.
Grapefruit essential oil is part of the citrus aroma family and is revered for its uplifting, refreshing and energizing qualities. The essential oil is extracted by cold expression from the fresh peel of the plant Citrus paradisi. Grapefruit essential oil remains a popular choice for beginners as well as seasoned pros because of the oils uplifting, refreshing and energizing properties.
Grapefruit essential oil has many therapeutic uses and endless applications including:
1. To use as a germicide mix several drops of grapefruit essential oil with water and use as a cleanser (water bottles work great for this). To get rid of air borne germs simply use your diffuser with two or three drops of the essential oil.
2. If you are experiencing menstrual cramps try mixing two or three drops of essential oil with one ounce of your favorite carrier oil and massage on your lower back and abdomen or if you prefer use grape essential oil in a hot compress and place on the same areas.
3. Grapefruit essential oil is renowned for its fresh and uplifting qualities which makes it a perfect choice to help combat depression, headaches, stress or exhaustion. To use for any of these purposes try putting a couple of drops of the essential oil into your diffuser or try direct inhalation by placing a couple drops of essential oil on a piece of tissue or cloth and periodically breath in the wonderful scent.
4. To detoxify your body (and mind) try bathing with several drops of grapefruit essential oil in your water. Ensure however that you do not add the oil until you have finished running your water, as well make sure that you have agitate the water thoroughly before you get in. Another option is to enjoy a full body massage, mix two or three drops into one ounce of your favorite carrier oil.
5. Grapefruit essential oil is very effective in battling acne. Acne can be treated by using grapefruit essential oil neat or diluted with a carrier oil, simple place a few drops of the oil or mixture on a cotton ball or pad and dab on the affected area.
6. Oily hair can also be treated with grapefruit essential oil. Add a few drops to water and rinse through.
7. To combat cellulite or water retention mix several drops of grapefruit essential oil into a carrier oil and massage on the affected areas.
8. A application of grapefruit essential oil in a bath, hot compress or massage oil can be used for relief of arthritis, muscle fatigue, rheumatism, or general stiffness.
Although grapefruit essential oil is easy and safe to use it should be noted that it does have a shorter shelf life due to rapid oxidization and should be disposed of and replace every three to four months.
The Author:
Cadence Carlyle