Category: Wellbeing

Explore the Path to Optimal Health and Well-being

Is Your Urine Color Warning You?

Every now and then a patient will tell me that their urine looks “funny” sometimes. When I ask them what they mean by that, they invariably tell me that it seems to change colors. They’re concerned if these color changes are anything to worry about. Here’s what I tell them.


The 4 Greatest Salt Myths

After more than a century of debate over the role of salt in human health, the overwhelming medical evidence makes it clear that reducing salt in the U.S. diet may pose a greater risk to many consumers.


3 Superfoods to Add to Your Diet

We all try our best to eat healthy, but it’s always a good time to re-evaluate our meal plans and habits to make sure we’re getting all the nutrients we need. Looking for a nutrition boost? Consider eating more of these staples.


12 Essential Oils for ADHD and ADD

Essential oils provide great relief for people with ADHD. For several years, essentials have proved essential in the management of medical conditions among them ADHD. Peppermint, Myrrh, rosemary, and vetiver essential oils among several others are very effective in alleviating ADHD symptoms.


The Nature of Happiness

Here are 20 ways to improve your happiness by going with the flow living as nature intended and using the flux of happiness to improve the quality of your life.