Home Remedies for Earache and Ear Infections

Have you ever experienced the terrible pain of an earache? You must be interested then in my home remedies for earache collection. Let’s see now the home remedies: My easiest, absolutely safe and well proved home herbal remedy, actually a kitchen remedy is:
The Chopped Onion (Allium cepa) Bag
Cut a middle-sized raw cooking onion into small pieces and stuff them into a small, thin, children cotton sock. Warm it up (with a blow dryer) to body temperature. Place a cotton wool swab on the aperture of the ear. Fasten the warm onion bag to the painful ear with a woolen scarf or hat. (Use only natural materials, like cotton, wool, flax or silk.) Leave the compress on about 30 minutes (depending on personal sensitivity) and use it 2-3 times a day (but always chop a new, fresh onion.)
As smelly as effective it is. It can cope with severe ear pain and beginning stages of middle ear infection. Another good, but stinky option is:
Garlic (Allium sativa) Oil Drop
Put a drop of warm garlic oil e.g. from a capsule on a cotton wool swab and place it like a plug in the opening of the ear. Leave it for 30-40 minutes in the ear and use it several times a day.
It can be as effective as onion bag and useful for outer ear canal infections and inflammations as well. In case of itching, burning or any type of inconvenience remove the oily cotton wool immediately. NEVER drop essential oil or raw garlic juice into the ear canal!! You can make garlic warm infused oil by yourself: Mince one large bulb fresh garlic and put in the top of a double boiler. Pour in enough olive oil to cover the garlic and warm gently for an hour. Cool, strain through a muslin or cheesecloth and keep in a sealed bottle in the fridge. But warm it in a spoon over a candle until it is comfortably warm if you use it for your ears. You can use it on your salads as well, it’s delicious.
If you or your child hate the smell of onion or garlic, another useful choice is:
Mullein (Aaron’s rod, Verbascum thapsus) Oil
Use a few drops of infused mullein oil on a cotton wool swab and insert it into the ear. It can cope with milder pains. It is really simple to make mullein cold infused oil:
Fill a clear glass jar with the dried or fresh mullein flowers (ca.30g) cover with 1 cup of olive or sesame oil and fill the jar almost to the top cover the top of the jar as tightly as you can to exclude the air which can quickly turn the oil rancid leave the jar on a warm and sunny place (windowsill) for 2 or 3 weeks shaking it daily strain the oil through a wine press or jelly bag wring out all the oil pour the liquid into a clean glass container, close airtight and use it for at least one year or often more.
NEVER FORGET to UNBLOCK the NOSE! The simplest and safest way is by seawater nose-spray or salt water solution. Put some sea salt into a tablespoon of tap water, it should taste like tears. Your nose drops are ready!
A useful diet tip: Avoid dairy products (cow’s milk, butter, cheese, yogurt…) during middle ear infection, because they increase the mucus production.
The Author:
Christina Tasnadi is a medical doctor, a homeopathic doctor and an expert of home remedies.
Photo. Publicdomainpictures