Category: Growing Food

Tips and Techniques for Growing Food.

Secret for Growing Lots of Healthy Tomatoes

Secret for Growing Lots of Healthy Tomatoes

Farmers of that time knew all types of tricks and practices to produce wonderful crops of corn, beans, and sugar cane. But they also learn a secret passed down from old on how to product fantastically, healthy tomatoes and other garden crops for the table.

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Best Method of Growing Strawberries

Best Method of Growing Strawberries

Growing strawberries in raised beds, from September to November is perfect, if such exists. Raised beds enhance production, and provide extra drainage for plants, while the fruits can grow at ground level. Mounding soil along the edge at six inches high is essential to keep the plant from rotting.

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Growing Onions

Growing Onions

Growing onions can be done from seed, transplants or sets. When choosing seed to start your onions, you will have a larger choice of what you can plant, but can take five months for the seedlings to mature enough to be transplanted and they are more susceptible to disease.

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Growing Brussels Sprouts

Growing Brussels Sprouts

You don’t need much room to plant a high yielding crop of Brussels Sprouts. They are a mini-cabbage that forms a 2 to 3 foot high stem with umbrella like foliage.

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