Succulents are perfect plants for dry gardens and are easy to root and grow. Once you learn how easy it is to propagate succulent plants, it’s a great way to expand your plant collection – and it’s free!
Category: Gardening
Growing Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers.
Composting is easy. You don’t need any special knowledge or equipment, and it takes only a little extra effort to collect your wastes and establish an active compost pile. Once you’ve got it going, it just about takes care of itself.
You must know what the plant looks like when its healthy, flowering time, color, structure, and leaf size.
Many people think that the only way to make compost is to use a commercial bin, but nothing could be further from the truth. People in the past have built their own compost bin with much success. So if you want to give it a try, here are five easy cost-effective ways to build them.
How do you satisfy the gardening itch in the middle of winter? Easily! Start plants from seed. Now is a great time to get a jump start on the gardening season. Just a little preparation will help ensure you seed starting success.
Here are ten recyclable ideas to make gardening a little less hard on the pocket!
Plant containers are made from all sorts of materials, from the inexpensive plastic pots to the ceramic and fiberglass resin planters.
If spring weather in your area tends to be cold and wet you may want to get a head start with tender plants such as tomatoes and peppers, by starting them indoors.
If you’re creative, you can have a great garden with very little cost. Here are some of my favorite tips to get you started.
Gardening organically and growing as much of our own food as possible is one of the steps we can take to start healing the earth on which we live and in the process healing ourselves.
The following plants may cause toxic symptoms when ingested. 14 ways to avoid plant poisoning.
Coriander, also known as silantro ir dhania, is a herb that has been used in culinary traditions around the world for centuries. With its fresh and citrus like flavor, coriander adds a unique flavor and exotic touch to a variety of dishes.
The first step in learning how to prevent and eliminate insects from entering into your greenhouse is to understand and become familiar with the types of insects which are likely to reside there