You don’t have to spend a fortune on expensive commercial organic pesticides, or risk using harmful chemicals around your home. Just make your own and take control!
Category: Gardening
Growing Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers.
How to keep insects out of your home or garden by using these natural deterrents.
Herb garden plants of ancient cultivation, legend endows them with the power to prevent lovers and doves from straying. It was thus a popular ingredient of love potions in medieval times and was fed to doves, pigeons and poultry to prevent them from wandering. Caraway seeds are used to flavor meat dishes, breads, soups, cheeses – you name it.
There are a number of tools that a gardener can use to combat slugs. Handpicking, traps, barriers, baits, & predators are just a few techniques. So, rather than shrugging off slug damage as inevitable, choose from the slug control menu and you’ll be surprised by the results.
Not only do ladybugs feed on insect pests, especially aphids, but their bright coloring also brings cheer into the garden.
How to grow and harvest curry leaf.
Praying mantis have voracious appetites and will eat a variety of insects including aphids, grasshoppers, fruit flies, house flies, moths and crickets.
There are few garden pests that are as difficult to get rid of as this weevil but by targeting the young and vulnerable larvae and using a few cultural practices, gardeners can get good control of this nuisance.
Marjorams have a pleasant and distinct aroma. Pot marjoram is somewhat stronger and it is one of the most popular of the cultivated herbs, flourishing in temperate climates.
Fungus gnats and damping-off are two afflictions that commonly affect gardeners. However, before you spend money on expensive chemicals, the solution to these problems may actually be much more low cost that you suspect.
Bulbinella has long been considered the pharmocopeia plant of the herbal world; the fleshy leaves yield a jelly like sap that has multiple virtues and applications – as you will see under the ‘usage’ section. Bushmen and iron age dwellers of Southern Africa knew and understood its virtues. It has long been a part of the traditional healers arsenal.
Licorice herb garden plants have been cultivated for use as a mild laxative and an aid to overindulgence for over a millennium. Health shops still sell licorice in root form for its various virtues as well as for tonics.