How to Create Homemade Gift Baskets

How to Create Homemade Gift Baskets

Put your imagination to work! Imagine giving a gift that reflects the whims or fancies, personality or passions of the person receiving it. Put away those old tired gifts and create something they will truly love.

What would they really like to receive, what do you give the expert gardener, the fisherman, the golfer, the book reader? Make them an original theme gift basket. Full of goodies they really can use.

Superb Tea Basket: Great for Elderly Relatives

In a basket of your choosing, add some exotic teas, strainer, china tea cup or mug, shortbread biscuits, napkins, sugar (wrap it in cellophane and tie a ribbon around it), book about teas, flowers etc.

The Fisherman

Add a bag of fishing tackle (hooks, lines and sinkers), a fishing magazine, a fish smoker, you can even throw in a can of sardines for the fun of it.

The Gardener

A selection of gardening gear, hand cream, bulbs, potting mix, gloves, books, straw hat, gardening accessories – garden gnome, gardening apron.

Other Theme Baskets Suggestions You Can Make Are:

Tired Parents
Gracefully Aging
Naughty but Nice
Computer Nerd
Stress pack
Gourmet Chef
The Art of sleeping in
Teddy Touch

Gifts baskets can be fun to make if you let your imagination run free. Packaging them can be just as fun. A romantic basket can be packet in a top hat. Fishing in a tackle box. The possibilities are endless. ENJOY!

The Author: – Ingredients for a Simple Life

Copyright 2002 – All rights reserved.

Article Posted: 2002

Photo. Mariya

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