Looking Back First, Then Look Forward

Depending on where or how you celebrated the New Year, Auld Lang Syne is a song engrained in everyone’s mind. And even though people aren’t sure what it means and don’t know all the words, it sounds both sad and soothing. It’s a song about loss, but also about love — a hope that you’ll see the same people you love next year.
The song recalls the days gone by and says we will always remember them. ‘Should auld acquaintance be forgot?’ it asks. No, the chorus replies: ‘For auld lang syne (for times gone by), we’ll tak (drink) a cup o’ kindness yet.’
A Time to Look Back
It seemed appropriate for New Year’s — a time to look back. As the New Year approaches, everyone’s mind turns to what lies ahead. It’s a time to set goals for the next 365 days, to challenge ourselves to adopt a better attitude, do away with bad habits and set ourselves back on the never-ending path to self improvement.
A Whole Universe of Suppressed Feelings and Behaviors
Before we can move forward, we need to reflect back and release what we experienced. Suppressed emotional and mental blocks such as fear, anger, frustration, depression, sadness, anxiety, substance abuse and a whole universe of dysfunctional feelings and behaviors build up layers of energetic blocks. These energetic blocks prevent and limit access to dreams and goals. Then, life becomes lackluster, unfulfilling and difficult.
Your Vibes Create Your Future
Your vibes today create your future. Outside energies and influences affect us minute-by-minute, day-by-day. This energetic bombardment can limit or alter the achievement of our goals. Most people don’t know what to do change the effect of outside influences and become the effect of them.
Look Back Before Moving Ahead
Before you set a plan for the future, briefly review the past twelve months. Don’t lose sight of how far you’ve had to come to get where you are. As you review the year, notice that you will remember or reflect on some happy moments or accomplishments and not-so happy moments or experiences. Neither of them are good or bad, they are all learning experiences. Simply reclaiming any and all energy left behind serves to amplify your present time energy.
Releasing and Reclaiming Your Energy
In this is a way you bring yourself into present time. What do you want from the buffet of life? Revisit where you’ve been what you have done. As you reclaim your essence from past experiences gives you more of your energy to create and attract what you do want in your life. Bringing your energy into present time gives you more energy to attract what you do want, instead of what you don’t want. Discover and release energies or outmoded beliefs and thoughts deterring them from having your dreams and desires. Then, move closer to their REAL goals, faster!
Visualization – Set Groundwork Today for Future Creations
With your eyes closed, visualize a calendar month of January. Toss a ball of neutral purple energy at the month of January and let the purple stick to places on the calendar where you have left some of your energy. You might recall events from that time or situations. Don’t evaluate, analyze or otherwise snoop at the energy. Notice accomplishments you’ve forgotten already.
Using a imaginary swiffer or broom, start to collect up places where you left some of your energy. You might see something in your mind’s eye, and you might not. It’s ok, it’s working no matter what. Be amused with what you do or don’t see. And, whistle while you work. You are reclaiming your energy from both positive and negative events, situations, people and places.
Without effort, continue clearing off the month until you get the sense that it is clear. Then, blow up your clearing tool. If your swiffer or broom stops, it’s cause it’s full. So, just destroy it and a new one. Make sure you have collected up all the purple energy off the month.
Now, recharge the month with neutral golden energy. Visualize filling up the month with a Golden Sun. Now, replenish yourself with your own energy by visualizing a giant Golden Sun above your head. Imagine that it recalls your energy magnetically from places you left it. Then, reach up and pull it into your body and the energy that surrounds the body.
Then, repeat this process for every month of the year. Listen to Guided Visualization
SET Your Intentions for New Year ENERGY
What do you want from the buffet of life? What do you want to give yourself? Clarity, self-healing, abundance, inspiration, creativity, prosperity, well-being, truth, acceptance, love, freedom, the ability to take action on your inspirations or fill in the blank.
Listen to the guided meditation link below to assist you in the process. Have fun and be amused at your discoveries.
Live in the magic way of life by making it a habit to feel well being and positive abundant thoughts. Your inner happiness is the secret FUEL of success.
The Author:
Amirah, a 25-year Intuitive Coach, Author and Speaker. w Author of eBook, GET Better LOVE and MORE of IT!
Photo. Stocksnap
Source. AB