There are several ways to keep deer out of your garden, some of these deer repellents you may not even be aware of. In addition, there are many plants that deer will usually avoid.
The techniques for growing these tomatoes the natural way have been passed on from generation to generation over centuries. Just follow these heirloom tomatoes growing tips and you will enjoy a good harvest of fresh heirloom tomatoes.
Top five most common caregiver mistakes when kids have tantrums.
Dried apple slices make for a great, healthy snack and can also be used in wreaths or added to potpourri to add fragrance. Dried apple slices can also be frozen for later use.
Growing kale can be easy even for those of us who do not consider ourselves a “green thumb.”
Extend the season of fresh strawberries by dehydrating them. Learn how to dehydrate strawberries for a year-round supply of this tasty fruit.
Similar to a salsa, pico de gallo pairs great with grilled fish, chicken, lean steaks, vegetables and whole-grain corn chips.
Learn the art of canning and make delicious homemade fruit butter. Get easy-to-follow recipes and tips for preserving your garden harvest.
Learn how to dehydrate zucchini for year-round use. Preserve the flavor and nutrients of this vegetable to enjoy in your favorite dishes.
This French-style omelet is fluffy and golden with the rich flavor of Parmesan cheese and sautéed spinach.
Baking homemade bread is definitely a rewarding experience. Here is all you need to bake your own delicious loaf of wholesome bread at home.
There are various types of pineapple derived products that you can preserve in your home ranging from jams, juices or simply as a fruit to delight your family. The selection is entirely up to you and depends upon your family’s choice of snacks
Learn to dehydrate lemons & other citrus fruit in a few simple steps! Our household policy is to never let anything go to waste, so why not dehydrate your excess citrus?
Put your dehydrator to work! Follow these instructions to create 100 servings of powdered sweet potato for the winter.
These dehydrated “Spuds” could be used for a variety of uses ranging from mashed potatoes to fried or even Au Gratin Potatoes casserole. Dehydrating your potatoes in times of plenty can result in an economical method of stretching your food dollar while still providing variety in your diet.