Don’t Do These Things if You Have a Teething Baby

There’s been a lot written about teething remedies over the years. Some of it is good advice but there’s a lot of ‘old wives tales’ too. Just as important is knowing what not to do when baby is cutting those first teeth.
1. Don’t Use Pain Relief Gel Too Often.
If you overuse the gel it may numb baby’s throat and disable his gag reflex – a gag reflex keeps him from choking. Although these types of teething remedies are usually safe they can cause an allergic reaction in some people.
2. Don’t Put Anything Sweet Like Honey on Pacifiers or Dummies.
Your baby will soon expect the sweet taste and may reject a normal pacifier. The sugar could decay any teeth that are already formed.
3. Don’t Offer Baby Fruit Juice in a Bottle.
Fruit juice even squeezed fresh contains a lot of sugar. It also contains acid which can dissolve tooth enamel. Give natural fruit juices in a cup rather than a bottle which may remain in the mouth longer.
4. Don’t Use Toothpaste Containing a Lot of Fluoride.
A baby will swallow the toothpaste so use a children’s toothpaste with less fluoride (or no fluoride) until they are able to spit it out by themselves. Fluoride is toxic in excess.
5. Don’t Rub Gums with Alcohol.
Alcohol is not up there with the best teething remedies but some parents insist on using it. Maybe they think alcohol will help baby sleep better – it won’t!
6. Please Don’t Tie Your Baby’s Teething Ring Around His Neck.
It may get caught in something and strangle him. Attach it to his clothes instead.
7. Don’t Offer Any Teething Rings Which Contain Liquid.
Avoid rubber or plastic teething rings with liquid inside because they may break and leak. If you do use a teething ring cool it in the freezer for a while. However don’t forget to take it out before it solidifies it may hurt baby’s sore gums.
8. Don’t Forget to Clean Milk Teeth Each Day.
Why bother cleaning teeth that are soon going to fall out? Milk teeth can decay easily and fall out before their time. Those first teeth serve as a guide for the second teeth appearing after. Without the milk teeth to guide them the second teeth may be crooked and misaligned. As well cleaning those first teeth teaches children good habits. Habits picked up at an early age usually stay with us for life.
9. Don’t Dose Your Baby Up with Tylenol (acetaminophen).
Although it’s generally thought to be safe Tylenol may cause damage to the liver on overdose. Never exceed the maximum daily dosage!
10. Never Give You Baby Aspirin.
Aspirin has been linked to Reye’s Syndrome a potentially fatal condition in children. although it’s rare why take the risk?
You’re probably wondering if there’s anything you can do. There’s plenty!
Pop a damp face washer in the freezer for a while and let your baby chew on it. The cold will help soothe sore gums. Rubber teething rings or rings filled with water are fine to use put these in the fridge too.
Natural Teething Remedies For Babies Contain Safe and Natural Ingredients Like:
- Calcium phosphate creates strong and healthy teeth and bones.
- Passionflower promotes calm and soothes anxiety.
- Chamomile is a proven herbal remedy both for teething and for healthy sleep.
- Matricaria Recutitais quiets the nervous system and soothes irritability when teething.
Recently there has been some issues about the dangers of teething tablets so ensure that any remedy you are considering is completely safe.
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