We were involved in our very first bake sale we were amazed with our results! We sold out of everything! Read more for the top sellers. Includes recipes.
Category: Home Cooking
Unleash Your Culinary Creativity
Warm up with a comforting bowl of Pork Split Pea Soup. This hearty soup is packed with flavor and nutrients.
This tropical treats contain medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), a unique fat that is shuttled straight to the liver and immediately burned for fuel. Research shows this little detour revs metabolic rate by up to 50%, speeding weight loss and doubling energy levels.
The making of Whoopie Pies has been a Pennsylvania tradition for many years and is prevalent in the Amish and Mennonite communities. If you have never tried a homemade Whoopie Pie, you are really missing out.
Here you will find some inexpensive breakfast ideas that are good and healthy for your family.
For the past several months, we have been on a really tight grocery budget and so I had to really be inventive to spread it as far as it would go. These are some recipes that worked out really well for us and we ended up eating rather well!
Here are the Texas Roadhouse most popular recipes of all time.
Peanut butter tastes best when it’s fresh and homemade. Here’s a recipe to make peanut butter at home; just try it out and satisfy your peanut butter cravings.
The case for and against cast iron cookware is often ill made by ill informed persons with other objectives in mind. Here we try to set the record straight contrasting the many benefits against the disadvantages.
French toast is one of the simplest dishes to make that also requires very little preparation time. Here is a step by step guide to making French Toast in five minutes or less.
The following recipe was given to me by my great aunt about 15 years ago. When I make mine, I like to make double batches and freeze some for later use.
Discover creative ways to reuse coffee grinds. From enriching compost to benefiting plants, coffee grounds have many surprising uses.
These are recipes for different types of candies, Taffy, Mexican Pecan Candy, or Hoosier Peanut Brittle, that are sure to please. There is nothing like a box of candy from your kitchen.
Many manufacturers are grabbing every opportunity to emphasize the presence of natural food coloring in the food they sell and quickly abandoning artificial food dyes. Why? They have recognized the craze for natural foods and know that people are looking for healthier alternatives in their diet.
Sometimes, there is nothing at all as comforting as making an old fashioned chicken pot pie with homemade crust recipe for your family, friends, and guests.