Did you know that you can make your own garlic ear oil for an earache? It’s very easy and simple to make.
Category: Wellbeing
Explore the Path to Optimal Health and Well-being
Butter is a natural healthy fat and when consumed as raw butter has several health benefits. So how can it make us healthier?
Eye allergies can be bothersome and distressing. Itchy, red and teary eyes can be treated using natural allergy relievers.
Q: I see soy protein in the ingredients of so many breads, bars, cereals and other foods now. Is that likely to push me above what is considered moderate consumption of soy?
No one wants to see the annoying skin tags on any area of the body. However, some people are not aware how easy these are to be removed. You can either get a doctor to do it or you can have it done right in the comfort of your home.
Q: Do pedometers really help if you want to be more active?
Discover effective methods for stress relief. Learn how deep breathing, yoga, and meditation can help you relax and find inner peace.
I’ve got the top tips to help keep yourself positive, no matter what you are going through. Remember, there is always a brighter side to look on and you’ll feel better if you start looking on the brighter side!
Q: I’d like to eat more whole grains, but I need to limit sodium, and many are surprisingly high in sodium. What do you suggest?
Self care is hard when you are stressed, frustrated and worried about the future. If you want to gain confidence and learn to relax, here are some goals to aim for.
Q: I’ve been seeing something called “quinoa” recommended as a healthy side dish. What is it and what would I do with it?
Q: Will adopting a vegetarian diet help me lose weight?
One of the best things about being a master herbalist is in helping my family stay healthy. I don’t necessarily mean with outlandish herbs only I know how to use, but common everyday items that you probably have in your kitchen right now.
Learn about the amazing link between cardiovascular health and water hardness. Discover the important health issues of consuming hard water in your diet.
A presentation of the four types of shaman. Provides details of what each type of shaman does.