Category: Wellbeing

Explore the Path to Optimal Health and Well-being

How to Remove Warts

Warts are common, and are caused by a viral infection, specifically by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Some scientists believe they are also caused by stress.


Healthy Eating for Life

A successful and long-term weight management plan involves moderate eating and regular exercise. Be sensible. It took you a while to put on the weight, it will also take time for the weight to come off.


First Aid Kit

Here is a list of what you should include in your medicine kit, having these supplies on hand makes life less stressful when accidents do occur. Its a wise thing to always be prepared for the unexpected!


Herbs and Spices For Detoxing

Naturopathic medicine has been using detoxification for over 3000 years. Ayurvedic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Native Americans, and folk medicine all use herbs and spices for medicinal and detoxification purposes.


Relieve Your Constipation with Food

What most people don’t realize is that an unhealthy diet that lacks water and fiber can cause the slow, sluggish elimination that causes constipation. Therefore a healthy balanced diet can actually relieve and prevent constipation from occurring.