Category: Wellbeing

Explore the Path to Optimal Health and Well-being

Water Kefir

Water kefir is an increasingly popular probiotic drink that you can make fairly easily and inexpensively at home.


Gum Disease and Over-All Health

Recent medical research has linked gum disease (periodontal disease) to over-all health. Researchers now believe that gum disease may be related to serious health complications including heart disease and stroke.


Anti-Aging Herbs and Spices

Some herbs are to be used to prevent some of the detrimental effects of aging. The use of safe herb substitutes for unsafe seasoning ingredients such as excess salt, sugar and fats help to slow down the aging processes. Herbs for brain, heart, liver, circulatory and reproductive systems are given.


6 Super Foods to Add to the Daily Diet

A healthy and well-balanced diet can benefit from a kitchen stocked with a variety of super foods rich in disease-fighting nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants. Plus, many of these healthy foods are delicious and low in calories.