Purification by Earth

Purification through the four natural elements is about living in harmony with the environment. Native culture traditions name earth, air, fire and water and show reverence to their powers. Here we will discuss the purification by earth.

Nature Deficit Disorder and How to Defeat It?

Many kids these days suffer from the unfortunate symptoms of nature deficit disorder. Although not classified as a real disease, this phenomenon occurs in individuals who keep their distance from nature and is manifested through slow academic and physical growth. This nature essay discusses this condition and the remedies to solve this.

How to Choose Potassium Rich Foods

This article provides valuable information on selecting potassium-rich foods that are vital for maintaining optimal health. It offers insights on the benefits of potassium, its role in the body, and provides a diverse range of food options that are naturally high in this essential mineral. By incorporating these foods into your daily diet, you can ensure a sufficient intake of potassium and promote overall well-being.

The Great Debate: Raw Food vs Cooked Food

After researching the subject for a while, I’ve found a lot of information about the pros of a Raw Food Diet (which involves eating raw food at least 75% of the time) but very little about the cons. So, I felt compelled to explore these reported benefits more deeply, mostly from an Ayurvedic perspective, to help people make a more informed decision about eating raw vs cooked food.