Growing a garden for canning is a great way to save money will ensure your family has a selection of fruit and vegetables, for every season of the year.
Category: Gardening
Growing Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers.
Here you will find a list of ground covers, shrubs and perennials that we have seen deer stay away from if other vegetation is available.
Similar to greening your garden, the basics of lawn care start with your soil.
The common herbal plants good for bed bug bites are as follows.
There are many preparations from naturally occurring sources that are repellent to certain insects. Some of these act as insecticides while others are only repellent.
Instead of bringing out the harmful pesticides and chemical ointments here’s some natural earth friendly options for dealing with those pesky insects.
I did some research into the processes that commercially sold soil goes through. It goes through a sterilization process similar to the pasteurization commonly used for food products such as milk. I found a way to do this in my home with a common kitchen appliance: the microwave oven.
Four easy steps to propagating herbs with cuttings.
Want to grow your own lettuce but don’t have any space outdoors? No problem. Lettuce are just one of those vegetables that you can easily grow indoors.
Here are some of the most common organic fertilizers used by most growers. You can use this as a guide to help you choose the best for your garden.
If you want to expect good harvest, you need to put in the effort of learning how to grow cauliflower properly.
You can start gardening container strawberries and you don’t have to make that drive to the market just to buy some fresh ones.
Whether you are growing giant pumpkins to make pies, or make humongous Jack-o-‘lanterns, or perhaps, simply to impress your neighbors, there are certainly some things you need to consider to achieve the result that you want.
To grow Romain lettuce, here are some things you need to prepare first so you can expect a very bountiful harvest of vegetables.