Category: Home and Garden

Embrace The Art of Home

Growing Rosemary Indoors

To pot up Rosemary for wintering indoors, select a clay pot one to two inches larger than the root ball. Use regular indoor potting soil. The addition of a little sand will be helpful; Rosemary prefers sandy soil


A Guide to Growing Corn

Corn will grow best during summer as it prefers warm weather. Try to plant your corn about 14 days before the last frost and to stop your various varieties of corn form cross-pollinating each other, stagger your plantings about a week apart. This will also make harvesting a lot easier as the corn will not be ready all at the same time.


How to Grow Apricot Trees

An apricot tree is certainly one fruit tree that we should have in our homes. Apricots are healthy and they provide the body with vital nutrients for good health. Apricots can also be used as an alternative for healthy weight loss diet regimes.


How to Grow Heirloom Tomatoes

The techniques for growing these tomatoes the natural way have been passed on from generation to generation over centuries. Just follow these heirloom tomatoes growing tips and you will enjoy a good harvest of fresh heirloom tomatoes.