Category: Home Life

Home Decorating, Repairs, and Ways to Recycle.

Uses for Old Baby Blankets

If those older baby blankets are starting to become tattered and unappealing you don’t have to throw them out quite yet. In this article we will brainstorm some uses for an old baby blanket.


Farm-Fresh Design

Our trip proved very successful, providing fresh flavors, a number of crafts that served both practical as well as interior design related purposes, and even a bit of unexpected entertainment to top it all off.


Colonial Shutters

Summers in Savannah tend to be humid with many thunderstorms, and about half of Savannah’s rainfall for the year falls June through September, which is typical of monsoon-type climates. Also typical of this climate are hurricanes, and Savannah is vulnerable to them. Colonial shutters protect Savannah homes and still stay historically accurate.