Banish Your Cough with Coltsfoot

The traditional use of coltsfoot as a treatment for coughs remains for centuries up to these days. As one of the most well-known treatment for coughs, coltsfoot is usually given along with the other herbs that possess some pectoral properties like Marshmallow, Horehound, and Ground Ivy, to mention a few.


Using Natural Ways to Cure Bed Sores

Bed sores is a very common problem faced by many elderly or senior citizens of the world. But this condition it is not restricted to an old person. It can affect people who are bed-ridden, in a coma or immobile due to any reason.


Ayurvedic Treatment for Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is one of the most severe forms of the viral fevers. There are not many causes of dengue fever. It is only caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted to human beings through mosquito bites.