15 Health Hacks That Take 15 Seconds or Less

You’ve heard the saying that it takes 21 days to develop a healthy habit, but this length of time can seem daunting when you’re committing to cooking from scratch or going on a daily run. Even the most time-crunched can get one small step closer to being healthier though – try these 15 health hacks that take only 15 seconds to implement in your daily routine.
1. Set an Alarm:
Use your phone to set a reminder to get up, walk, stretch or grab a glass of water at work.
2. Take a Multivitamin:
It only takes a moment but it can provide the vitamins and minerals you may need to support your goal of overall good health.
3. Get Your Heart Pumping:
Take a 15-second break every day to see how many jumping jacks or squats you can do.
4. Hydrate:
Water plays a huge role in flushing out toxins your body gathers throughout the day.
5. Seek Inspiration:
Turn to your favourite inspirational quotes for a daily dose of motivation.
6. Track Your Food:
Take a few seconds after every meal to jot down what you ate — you may see patterns that can help you make more thoughtful dietary choices.
7. Close Your Eyes:
Eyestrain is more common than you think. Take a moment to close your eyes and take a break from your computer.
8. Build Your Strength:
Planking or doing sit-ups for just 15 seconds a day can help strengthen your core.
9. Consider Your Posture:
Every time an email comes into your inbox, sit back and adjust your posture.
10. Take a Stand in Meetings:
More casual discussions can be done over a walk or standing at a tall table.
11. Step Up:
Take the stairs rather than the escalator or elevator.
12. Breathe Deeply:
Pause, breathe deeply and open windows for fresh air.
13. Snack Wisely:
Don’t open a package — wash a fruit.
14. Add Intensity:
Add a 15-second burst of activity, like a sprint or power squats to your usual workout routine.
15. There’s an App for That:
Downloading a step-tracking app takes just a moment and will get you moving more often.
Print these tips or keep them handy on your smart phone as a reminder to make healthier choices throughout your day.
Source & Photo. (NC) Newscanada.com