Make Beeswax Candles

Make Beeswax Candles

How to Make a Rolled Beeswax Candle and a Votive Candle

Many people want to learn how to make beeswax candles. These candles have a variety of benefits to them as they are not only all natural and environmentally friendly, they are also very easy to make and at a very low cost as you can use items from around your own home.

There are so many different ways to make candles using beeswax that it is hard to narrow it down to just two. You can make ice candles or sand candles, you can make large pillar candles or simple tea candles. The following two projects that this article is going to teach are both simple and beautiful. With very little work you can create a beautiful and pleasant scented candle.

The first of the two candles that we are going to go over are the rolled beeswax candles. If you want to make beeswax candles or simply make a candle at all, these are the easiest to start off with. What you are going to need for this candle making project is as follows:

Beeswax sheets, a wick, scissors, and some newspapers.

Are you ready to make a candle at home?

Step # 1.

Choose a work area and cover it completely with newspapers. You want to make sure that you have a decent amount of space to work with and that the newspapers cover the entire area in order to keep it safe and clean.

Step # 2.

When you make beeswax candles you will be using beeswax sheets for both of the projects. For this one little work is needed. Simply lay the beeswax sheet out flat across your work area.

Step # 3.

Now take the wick, many people use an all natural cotton wick to go with the all natural beeswax. Lay the wick flat across the edge of the sheet.

Step # 4.

Now roll the sheet once to cover the wick, when you make beeswax candles you always want to be gentle so you do not crack the beeswax. Press firmly down, but not too firm, in order to enclose the wick.

Step # 5.

Now roll the beeswax sheet up, take your time as you do this and keep everything straight and aligned.

Step # 6.

When it is all rolled up the simply rub your finger over the separation of the sheet and smooth out the crease.

Step # 7.

Trim the wick and you are all done!

That is the easiest way to make beeswax candles. If you want a thicker candle then you can roll the candle up in to another beeswax sheet. If you want a colorful candle then you can use several different colors of beeswax sheets for the project. What follows is slightly more difficult but it is still rather easy.

Here is what you are going to need for your next project:

A double boiler, some beeswax, a knife, wick, wick tabs, olive oil or vegetable oil, and a muffin pan. You may notice that I do not add color or fragrances to the list of candle making supplies. This is because beeswax already has a natural soft color and a wonderful scent of its own.

Step # 1.

Here is what you are going to want to do when you make beeswax candles at home, take the top pan of the double boiler and begin to chop the beeswax in to chunks and place them inside the top pan of the double boiler.

Step # 2.

Fill the bottom pan of the double boiler with water and place the double boiler on the stove top with medium heat.

Step # 3.

As you make beeswax candles it is important that you stir the wax often and do not let it sit too long after it has melted as this can distort the natural color.

Step # 4.

Prepare the wicks by stinging them through the wick tabs. When this is done take the muffin pan and spray the inside of each cup with olive oil or vegetable oil. Place the wick tabs in to the center of each of the muffin cups.

Step # 5.

When the wax has melted take your time and pour the wax in to each of the cups in the muffin pan then put the entire pan to the side in a place where it will not be disturbed.

Step # 6.

Let the candles sit for 24 hours and when this time has passed turn the muffin pan over and gently shake the candles out. When they are all out then trim all of the wicks to about a quarter of an inch. You just learned how to make beeswax candles at home in two simple and easy ways.

The Author:

Jason Kinech has been making candles from home for several years and recently started a site to teach it to others.

Photo. Lars Radzymsk

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