Category: Gardening

Growing Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers.

Growing Organic Sweet Potatoes

If you’re growing sweet potatoes, the colors range from white to purple to brown to reddish, and the flesh colors range from white and yellow to orange and purple. Read more here!


Amaryllis Bulbs -The Secret to Getting Them to Re-bloom

No other interior flower can add such a volume of delightful color in a home during the long winters than the amaryllis. With so many colors to choose from – white, with streaks of red, various shades of red, orange,and yellow you will certainly want to take care of your plant to insure that it re-blooms year after year. It’s not hard to do once you know the secrets.


Herbs of The Marsh – Useful, Edible and Deadly

There are many wetlands in West Virginia, and the flora in it can be fascinating. Most people are aware that cranberries are grown is such areas, and there is a park called Cranberry Glades. A trip along the boardwalk over the marshy area can be interesting, especially if you’re interested in plants.