To be able to successfully grow zucchini, follow these simple yet practical steps.
Category: Gardening
Growing Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers.
When you’re short on space but high on ambition for vegetable garden, the best way around is to go for indoor gardening.
The insect repellent is safe and effective, plus it costs much less to make it than to buy it.
If you prefer to eat organic food in as natural a state as possible, growing your own organic nuts is a very good choice.
Growing peas from seed is super easy and a great addition to just about any garden.
Growing carrots from seed is fairly easy and just requires a few things to be kept in mind.
Onions are one of the easiest and most delicious vegetable crops for your garden.
You can make a planting mix from scratch that your plants will love. It is easy and simple to do, takes little time, and is relatively inexpensive. The end result is worth the small effort and minimal cost.
One of my favorite topics is the many uses for liquid worm castings, ‘worm tea’, in the garden. This unique organic fertilizer is especially effective when used to grow roses, perhaps the most favored flowers on earth and certainly the most discussed.
Although you may think these herbs were called as such for culinary purposes…you will be surprised by the actual reference to the name.
One of the more popular types of kitchen gardens is a spaghetti garden. Oregano, basil, garlic, bay and parsley are such easy to grow plants that it’s a pity for anyone to use dried and bottled herbs.
A common problem in blueberry culture for many growers is the control of weeds.
Although humans find the scent pleasing, mice are repelled by the aroma of natural peppermint essential oil.