Every successful garden needs plants that attract the predators of pests – humans included:).
What’s the truth about companion planting? Myth, rumour and ‘old wives’ tales’ abound. But a clue can be found in India and adjacent lands where Ayurvedic gardening goes back many thousands of years – and it’s based on companion planting.
This method of vegetable gardening is what I prefer. As you might have guessed, it doesn’t involve digging. This method is particularly suited to older people or people with physical disabilities.
What do you suggest for someone who’s serious about growing the high-value crops like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants?
There are quite literally thousands of species of edible plants that can be grown, yet most people are only aware of the thirty or so species to be found in the grocers, and many of these will have been imported. In this section we will give you a small selection of little known edible plants.
This article is a brief guide to the basic principles of vegan organics. A list of suggested reading is given at the end should you want to find more specific information.
If the idea of extending your growing season has sparked some interest in winter gardening, don’t forget that there are a number of crops well suited to winter gardening.
Are you one of those home gardeners that don’t know the three stumbling blocks to successfully growing grapes in your backyard? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Grapes need one to three weeks after color change to be ripe for harvest, depending on variety, use, and environmental conditions.
How to prolong the life of cut flowers.
All I did was prepare the soil, add a little water, mixed in some love and now I have a living piece of history in my garden.
Hollyhocks, they are useful in the treatment of chest complaints, and a decoction is used to improve blood circulation, for the treatment of constipation, dysmenorrhoea, haemorrhage etc
Lavender is a very ornamental plant that is often grown in the herb garden and
Lilac bushes grow throughout the United States and are prized for their hearty nature and low maintenance as well as for their beautiful, fragrant flowers.