Tag: History of
Resilient to abuse and versatile by nature, ‘Cast’ iron was so named because it is made by ‘casting’ (pouring) molten iron into a mold. The 1830’s through the middle of the 1850’s was a period when cooking vessels – and the stoves on which to cook with them – were made of cast iron, and made in abundance. Fanciful castings were also in great demand during this time for windows, furniture and lawn decorations.
Its history goes all the way back to the time the Bible was being written…. A classic black sweet (or salty) candy enjoyed throughout the world. But it used to be a common treatment for a number of illnesses. Sweeter by far than sugar, it has been recorded for centuries to have quenched the thirsts of armies; and large amounts were even discovered in King Tut’s tomb.
If anyone were to ask me what my favorite flower is, I would have to say roses, hands down. If prodded, I’d have to admit that some of the reason I like them is that they are useful in herbal medicine. The ancient Chinese, Persians, Romans and Greeks all appreciated the benefits of the fruit, sometimes called a hip or a haw.