Make money from your craft hobby. Learn how to sell your handmade knitted and crocheted items and start earning from your passion.
Category: Sewing-Crocheting-Knitting-Cross Stitch-Quilting
Discover the best knitting needles for arthritis. Stay comfortable while knitting with warm, flexible materials like bamboo, birch, walnut, and ebony.
Master the art of reading vintage knitting patterns and create beautiful knitted projects from the past with these 7 helpful tips.
Aprons of Today and Long ago… Were aprons of yesteryear really made from bags of seeds and flour?
Choosing a thimble for hand quilting is important and may take some time. A thimble is a personal tool for any quilter.
Discover the art of hand sewing and unleash your creativity. Learn essential techniques, tips, and tricks for beautiful handmade creations.
Discover the art of quilting and learn how to avoid common errors. Improve your skills and accuracy in this beloved craft.
Make your quilting projects easier with these quilt tricks. Learn how to cut borders easily and precisely and prevent quilt stretch.
I have comprised a list of Knitting’s best tips. Some are obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many knitters have never heard of them!
Value-added products with a stable shelf life can help your bottom line. Work and time can result in higher profits.
Most quilts have a story and these types of stories are becoming more popular throughout the world.
Looking for the perfect gifts for knitters? Check out our guide to find the most thoughtful and unique presents for knitting enthusiasts.
I’m going to share my own little knitting cloth pattern with you. The stitch pattern reminds me of flags in a stiff breeze.
Looking for a quick and easy DIY project? Try making scented hot pads for your Christmas gifts. Learn how with our step-by-step tutorial.