Healthy living is a life saving choice. Learn 25 ways to make healthy choices for your personal health care. Bring on the fruits and veggies!
Category: Wellbeing
Explore the Path to Optimal Health and Well-being
Discover a delicious yogurt smoothie recipe that’s worth tasting. This smoothie is packed with a combination of fruits, tofu, and more.
Frequently people ask me about cleansing their spirit, and I give many different ways to do it. Here are two of my favorite methods.
Q: If potassium isn’t listed on the Nutrition Facts panel of a food, does that mean it doesn’t contain much?
Fertility in women is at its peak between the age of 18-30 but after than
For centuries, marijuana has been used medicinally from preventing nausea to alleviating pain. Explore its benefits here!
Here are some simple flu remedies to ease the most common flu symptoms without any particular medication.
Here is a small list, by no means exhaustive, of common native North American Herbal Remedies and some of the illnesses / health disorders / problems, for the relief of which they are used.
Q: I heard that some people with “normal” weight or BMI actually have too much body fat that puts them at risk for chronic disease. Is that true, and if so, how would you know?
The rosemary extract is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin E against free radical damage caused is very useful.
Discover natural wart remedies using garlic and lemon. Get rid of warts without cosmetic treatments or surgeries.
Foods can act as natural mood enhancers and your mood or the way you feel has a lot to do with your eating habits.
Just like most anti-depressants help raise serotonin levels in your body, certain healthy foods have the ability to decrease or increase serotonin and those that increase serotonin make you feel good.
Ginger tames migraines, stomach upset, from general nausea to motion and morning sickness.
Do you know which health benefits are provided by Beetroot Juice? Read on to know how beetroot juice is helpful to improve your health.