Category: Gardening

Growing Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers.

Alternative Food

There are quite literally thousands of species of edible plants that can be grown, yet most people are only aware of the thirty or so species to be found in the grocers, and many of these will have been imported. In this section we will give you a small selection of little known edible plants.


Hollyhock – Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks, they are useful in the treatment of chest complaints, and a decoction is used to improve blood circulation, for the treatment of constipation, dysmenorrhoea, haemorrhage etc


Classifying Flowering Plants

You should be familiar with the plants you intend to plant. Your knowledge in classifying and naming plants would give you the right choice to select which one is suited to your place, soil, temperature, and other requirements your plants needs in their growing period.


Dwarf Korean Lilac

When you choose a lilac you are planting a shrub that is part of our American heritage – some have even called the lilac the “apple pie of shrubs.


The Fragrant Garden

Aromachology is the study of how scents affect our moods and behavior. The following are three settings that use this science to enhance your garden.


Butterfly House in The Flower Garden

There is the type of butterfly house that contains butterflies and their nectar plants. These type of butterfly houses are actually structures created for the specific reason of providing a safe and enclosed space in which to study the butterflies.


Growing Catnip for Your Cat

The vast majority of cats go crazy for the catnip. Moreover, they particularly enjoy fresh catnip. So, why not try growing your own? It is simple and your cat will be very grateful.


How to Grow Potatoes in a Barrel

While most gardeners grow potatoes in open ground, an alternative, (especially for those with limited or no open ground), is to grow first early potatoes in a barrel or similar container.