From headache relief to heart disease, we know some benefits of this wonder drug. Do you know where it comes from and all of its uses?
Category: Health and Natural Remedies
Natural Health & Remedies
Five home remedies that can help with motion sickness.
Healthy living is a life saving choice. Learn 25 ways to make healthy choices for your personal health care. Bring on the fruits and veggies!
Fertility in women is at its peak between the age of 18-30 but after than
For centuries, marijuana has been used medicinally from preventing nausea to alleviating pain. Explore its benefits here!
Here are some simple flu remedies to ease the most common flu symptoms without any particular medication.
Here is a small list, by no means exhaustive, of common native North American Herbal Remedies and some of the illnesses / health disorders / problems, for the relief of which they are used.
Discover natural wart remedies using garlic and lemon. Get rid of warts without cosmetic treatments or surgeries.
It is a commonly known fact that the most efficient method for prevention of diseases
Unlock the amazing health benefits of almonds. Find out how they can improve heart health, boost immunity, and provide essential nutrients.
Find relief from hay fever symptoms with natural remedies. Learn how to manage allergies without the side effects of conventional treatments.
It has been established that ginkgo biloba could have three possible effects on the body.
Chamomile offers many botanical benefits, including a restful night’s sleep, to health-conscious individuals who prefer to use natural herbs.
Milk thistle has been used for the treatment of liver disease such as alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver poisoning, and viral hepatitis. It helps regulate blood sugar, fat metabolism and helps with the excretion of certain hormones. It’s been known to help with acne, constipation, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.