Search Results for: herbal

50 Ways to Detoxify Yourself

It isn’t hard to detoxify yourself. It doesn’t take a lot of gadgets, an expensive appointment, or a lot of time or effort. It just takes awareness of how you spend your days and what you eat. Ready to find out how?

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How to Create a Purifying Bath

The practice of purifying baths is thousands of years old. It isn’t necessary to travel to some exotic location or to be dunked in the local river or baptistery. You can make your own purifying bath right at home.

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How to Make Stock for Soup

Soups are used for a variety of purposes. They are, naturally, food, but they can also be used as an herbal remedy. The base for a good soup is a good stock. Here are the steps I use.

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Home Treatment for Stuffy Nose

Common causes of stuffy nose include viruses, allergy symptoms, swollen nasal membrane and so forth. A stuffy nose can lead to lots of discomfort. An individual may use simple natural home remedies to deal with the problem of stuffy nose.

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